Friday, May 8, 2009

Posted by Selva
No comments | 6:48 AM

My first painting in Volcano Eruption 

Volcano Art
This volcanic Eruption painting is made with in an hour, this is simple made with very less effort,
with the help of mouse and the brush tool in the Photoshop. This painting i made with the intention of drawing a mountain, later the mountain made it as volcanic eruption mountain. I feel it is much better than my previous mountain. This is my third painting made with creative. You can visit some of my previous painting here.

The bright moon made with simple soft brush with very few hardness and make the value of flow effect upto 70 with white brush colour and choose a dark background and just place a single click with all the properties above you can feel the effect
  1. Scenery
  2. Land Scape Painting
  3. Mountain Painting
  4. Falls
  5. Forest Painting

Monday, May 4, 2009

Posted by Selva
No comments | 4:33 AM

A Green label in a Sandy Desert

This DIGITAL PAINTING gives the answer for 'how to making a GREEN DESERT' i draw this by asking this question, this is the simple task made with in an hour. This is my second painting in Photoshop, These are some of my previous painting.
  1. Scenery
  2. Land Scape Painting
  3. Mountain Painting
  4. Falls
  5. Forest Painting

Friday, May 1, 2009

Posted by Selva
1 comment | 10:29 AM

The Morning Seashore Painting

Seashore Painting
This is the painting to show yellowish evening in the Seashore, here i expressed my feeling that i went through a nice evening in a sea shore. This is to express my feeling over nature. This is my third painting. Go through other painting which i have made
  1. Scenery
  2. Land Scape Painting
  3. Mountain Painting
  4. Falls
  5. Forest Painting

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Posted by Selva
No comments | 10:19 AM

A Beautiful Bluish Seaside Sensory

--> Scenery
I took around three hours of work to make this output, i first started with scribbling in photoshop with the intention of creation a sea, later i thought of creating an island, those collection of ideas made me to create this Scenery. Just wait for my next better painting....

  1. Land Scape Painting
  2. Mountain Painting
  3. Falls
  4. Forest Painting
  5. Sea Shore Painting

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Posted by Selva
No comments | 7:36 PM

Painting of A Dry Tree in moon light reflection

--> Tree Art
These trees i find usually in my night traveling, some trees seem to be some big giant standing in the road sides, with those ideas i made this painting, and photoshop gives me the supporting tool to make this, thanks for photoshop. You can to through other paintings which i have made
  1. Scenery
  2. Sea shore Painting
  3. Mountain Painting
  4. Falls
  5. Forest Painting

Friday, January 16, 2009

Posted by Selva
No comments | 10:46 PM

A browned Mountain in a Greeny Field

--> Mountain PaintingThis idea i got from 'when i traveling to my native place kanyakumari. When ever i goes, i feel the shadows made by the mountain because this shadow travel around 2 km frm mid part of the mountain, i can even remember the small trees seem to be dark from my distance view. All these ideas made to paint such a mountain
  1. Scenery
  2. Land Scape Painting
  3. Sea Shore Painting
  4. Falls
  5. Forest Painting

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Posted by Selva
No comments | 6:54 PM

A waterfalls shows its beauty in moon light

--> I get the idea of this picture some 2d movies, but i get get the name of the movie, this is the entry seen, in movie this Falls is panned twords bank side of the falls, then the moon gets down and the sun gets up
  1. Scenery
  2. Land Scape Painting
  3. Mountain Painting
  4. Sea Shore Painting
  5. Forest Painting


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